"Stars and Stripes 12," a quintessentially American fabric collection designed by the renowned Linda Ludovico for Northcott Fabrics, proudly embodies the spirit of patriotism and heritage. Crafted from 100% cotton, these quilting fabrics feature a stunning array of designs inspired by the iconic symbols of the United States, including stars, stripes, red poppies eagles, patriotic text and words, panels featuring timeless motifs evoking our nation's rich history. From vibrant reds and blues to crisp whites, each fabric in this collection exudes a sense of pride and unity, inviting quilters to create timeless pieces that celebrate the enduring beauty of the American flag and the values it represents. Whether crafting quilts, garments, or home decor accents, "Stars and Stripes 12" offers a versatile palette to inspire creativity and honor the land of the free and the home of the brave. Perfect for summer and 4th of July projects, Quilts of Valor, or a piece to honor the veteran or service member in your life.
Fabric Collection | Stars & Stripes 12 |
Fabric Manufacturer | Northcott Fabrics |
Fabric Designer | Linda Ludovico |
Themes | Patriotic Fabrics |
Fabric Type | 100% cotton |
Fabric Width | 43/44" |
Sold by Unit: | Sold by the half-yard, as continuous yardage |